Last update on October 26th, 2024 |
We wish Hachiko and his littermates
the very best for their 5th birthday |
October 3rd, 2023 |
We updated this page yesterday for
the birthday of the h-litter. Today we received new
pictures of Hachiko. He is doing great. He has an extreme
sound temperament and loves all four legged friends. |
Just like his Dad LUCKY, when ever
Lucky is waiting for Hundemama down by the horses,
this wild cat comes to him and wants to make friends
with him. Sometimes Lucky does not know what to do
with her. It is so funny! |
Holly and her littermates celebrated
their 4th birthday today. We wish them the best, most
of all we do wish them HEALTH
If nature is on our side, we will be
able to raise another Gina-Lucky-litter for a last
time this fall, before our Gina will retire! Just keep
an eye on our upcoming litter page! |
October 7th, 2022 |
Just a few days ago Hachiko and his
littermates celebrated their 3rd birthday. We wish
them the very best |
May 2nd, 2022 |
The above pictures show the male dog
Hachiko. He acts a little like his uncle Tyson and
also looks more like him. He is always alert and likes
to act like a "Macho" |

The girl Happy has developed into a
very stocky looking female |
31st December 2021 |
Holly developed into a very proud looking
young female |
September 22nd, 2021 |




Our last update has been almost one
year ago. The "H-puppies" developed into
handsome young dogs. Here we see Hachiko. The last
picture show him after he had passed the BH trial just
a few days ago. Congratulations!


His sister "Happy" is also
doing very well. She lives in the USA |


Harley can be so funny at times. Her
owner do send us lots of funny stories about her |
15th of October 2020 |
12 days ago they celebrated their first birthday |


Hachiko with his toy. He has so much
expression |
His sister Harley |


and his other sister Happy |
and Holly |




In Holly we see "Lucky" and
"Tyson". We are very pleased with the development
of the Gina and Lucky progeny |
July 14th, 2020 |




Hachiko with his Barrett-friend. He
loves to play with the ball |


The above pictures show Happy throughout
the last 7 months. She does favor her Dad very much
as we can see on the picture to the left |
5th of January 2020 |
Five weeks they have been in their new homes now.
They are all doing very well |






Hachiko gave their family a little
hard time at first. He did not want to stay alone,
but meanwhile he has learned that nothing will happen
when being alone for a few hours. To the right we see
Harley and her friend |


Harley is doing great |






The above pictures show the girl Holly.
She looks very much like her Dad "Lucky"
when he was a puppy. The same look. It is amazing |
As soon as we receive pictures of
the girls Hiske and Happy we will upload them on this
page |
December 2nd, 2019 |
Hachiko, Holly and Harley moved into their new
homes this passed weekend |


For this family it will be their 3rd
Barrett puppy. An elderly Barrett-Lady is still living
at home |
This couple just waited for this special
day to come, so they can pick up their new family member
Holly |

Harley will be this couple`s 2nd Barrett
dog. The elderly 13 year old Barrett girl had passed
away not too long ago. Now the house is so more empty |
26th of November 2019 |
Puppies have received their names now |


Hachiko, our one male puppy, is one
relaxed puppy |
Happy has a very nice temperament |


Harley is a very lifely puppy |
Holly thinks, she is the Queen. She
does show her littermates who the boss is |


The girl Hiske has a very nice temperament
All of the puppies are about the same
size. At the moment no one can see the difference between
the boy and the girls
We believe that all of these puppies
will have a very nice long coat, once they are adult
dogs and beautiful pigmentation, which will become
richer as they grow older |