
Last update 25th of July 2024

Note: We are only able to upload pictures on the correct page, if the pictures or in the Email it will have the "Registration name with the kennel name" of the dog, not only the "calling name".


25th of July 2024 Today we uploaded new pictures of our cute little and feisty Bounty

20th of July 2024 The time has come to upload a few pages, which we had not published before, especially the pages of the litters with only one puppy. Today we start with the page of our Gloria. , an Enza-Champ offspring

18th of July 2024 One more time we updated the page for our Bacira-Yazoo-progeny. We also received an excellent breeding survey report for our young dam "Koko". We will upload this report on der page in the next few days.

Today we updated the page for our annual hike!

11th of July 2024 Today we updated the page for our Bacira-Yazoo-progeny A few months ago they turned one year old.

7th of July 2024 Today we uploaded the page for our Mina-Grizzly-girl named "Bounty". She is a very cute and curious puppy

1st of July 2024 Hundemama just came back from a short family vacation in the Netherlands. Champ joined her and had a wonderful time at the beach. Playing with his famous "green ball". All Barretts love these type of balls.

Now the time has come to update the page of our annual hike

We will open up a page for our Mina-Grizzly-girl "Bounty" in the next few days. She is such a cute female. Very alert already. She barks when we enter the room. This is so funny

22nd of June 2024 Our Koko-Lucky-puppies are with their new owners since mid part of March. Meanwhile we received quite a few pictures of these puppies, showing them at their new homes. We like to share them with all of our visitors.

The boy Jumper out of Bacira and Gino will be raised by our friend, so Hundemama will be able to socialize and train the other two the proper way. Therefor he was picked up yesterday. We kept this moment again with the camera. If Jumper develops according to the standard of the GSD, then he will be trained by "Hundemama" to become a "sire". "Hundemama" will open up a new page for Jackie and Jango in July. She will also open up a page for the female "Bounty", the girl out of Mina and Grizzly. This will happen mid part of July. So keep an eye on this page!

Note: If everything goes well according to the plans of the owner of the VA sire "Gnabry" the youngster Zeppo - picture below in the middle - will be shown at the annual World Championship Show of the SV in Nürnberg in September. He will be part of the progeny of "Gnabry von der Baiertalerstraße". Meanwhile Zeppo received the best results "HD and ED normal". Congratulations to his owner.

14th of June 2024 Today we updated the Bacira-Gino-progeny, with pictures of the puppies in their new homes

10th of June 2024 We have received our first reservations for our annual House-Barrett hike. We will update the page for our "Hike" in the next few days

Note: Our Mina gave birth to one female puppy last week. Puppy and Mom are doing fine. We will open up a page for this girl at a later time.

27th of May 2024 Today we received the family picture of the girl Josy out of our Bacira-Gino-litter

18th of May 2024 We uploaded the information of our annual 2024 House- and Team-Barrett Hiking Day

16th of May 2024 One more time we updated the page for our Bacira-Gino-puppies today. They will be chiped and receive their first immunization at the beginning of next week. Soon they can move into their new homes

14th of May 2024 Our Zeppo, the last Gina-son, also the halfbrother of Champ has birthday today. He turned one year old. Zeppo is a son of Gina from her last litter before she started her retirement in 2023. Meanwhile he developed into a wonderful dog. He has a very good bone structure, beautiful head, short ears, short muzzle and beautiful hair and just like Champ a very nice temperament. He is a big boy! We hope, that in the future we will hear more of him

Zeppo vom Team Barrett

12th of May 2024 We just updated our upcoming litter pag with the introduction of our one and only summer litter. This will be our second last litter for 2024

Note: Our page for our annual hike will be uploaded in the next two weeks with information of our hike, which will take place on 10th of August 2024

7th of May 2024 We are happy to announce that our only planned late spring/summer litter will take place, so today we have updated the future mom's offspring page.

At the beginning of 2023, Mina became a "dog-mom" for the first time. Now she is expecting her second litter. We will introduce the parents of this litter in more detail in the coming days with an approximate “birth date•.

4th of May 2024 Just three weeks ago we announced, that our "Koko" did pass the IGP1 trial. Now today she passed her breeding survey. Congratulations! She done very well and received an excellent Koerreport. We will update her page as soon as we have received her report on paper

28th of April 2024 Meanwhile we received Mina`s "Breeding survey report for lifetime", so we updated her page today with two present pictures and her "Breeding report"

Note: In the next 10 days we will update our page "upcoming litters" with the introduction of the parents of our one and only lage spring/early summer litter

15th of April 2024 Our annual “Barrett Breakfast• took place yesterday. We believe that it was “a successful day•. Below we see individual pictures of Barretts who were there yesterday. Of course, the rich breakfast buffet was also captured with pictures.
We will post more pictures on Facebook and Instagram in the coming days.

At this point we would like to once again express our thanks for the food families had brought and also for the donations given to the club

On the left we see our two youngest four legged participants; right picture shows group training with the adult Barretts

Our friend Marion practiced with the youngest Barretts and gave lots of valuable tips: We would like to say a big thank you to her for these training sessions

The two pictures on the right show siblings from Gwendi and Champ, followed by Zeppo from Gina and Gnabry, last but not least the sister of our Mina

On the left and in the middle we see an offspring from Enza and Grizzly, next to her the son of Gwendi and Champ, and on the right a female from Gina and Lucky

On the left we see Paul from Gina and Lucky, in the middle we see one of our Gino's sons, on the right Koko doing her favorite activity

on the left we see a daughter from Mina and Champ, followed by a daughter from Enza and Champ, two pictures on the right of the little "big" Heros from Gina and Lucky

If the two young Barretts develop promisingly in the coming months, "Dog Mom" will train them so that we don't lose this unique bloodline. The character assessment test of the two is planned for September 2024. At a later time we will open up a new page for these two youngsters!

14th of April 2024 Our young female Koko had been successful yesterday!

8th of April 2024 For the first time, the owner of the 11-month-old male "Zeppo from Team Barrett" took part in a SV temperament assessment. She did pass. We are very happy for them. Congratulations!

Zeppo is a son of our "Gina" and the sire "Gnabry". He was the only puppy in this 2023 litter. He turned out so beautiful and has an extreme nice temperament, the judge said this in his report. In the next few days we will upload two video clips on facebook, which were taken during the trial. Keep an eye on our facebook page

3rd of April 2024 We just updated the page for our new spring family!

Note: We are having a "Barrett breakfast" on Sunday, the 14th of April 2024 at our local training place here in Germany. If anyone, who lives in Germany, likes to join with their Barrett dog, please contact "". She will send more information of this event

29th of March 2024 We wish everyone a HAPPY EASTER and happy holidays!

We just opened up a page for our new Bacira-Gino-family

25th of March 2024 We are happy to announce, that our Bacira gave birth to three male and three female puppies a few days ago. Mom Bacira and her littles ones are doing great. Gino is the "proud Dad" of this beautiful litter. This will be his last litter and we know, that we will enjoy the upcoming weeks with our new four legged family very much. We will upload a page for our new family in the next few days.

The above picture was taken just after birth

and this picture a few days after birth

20th of March 2024 Our Koko-Lucky-puppies moved into their new homes

17th of March 2024 Our dam "Mina" passed her breeding survey for lifetime yesterday. This was a good reason to update the page of her littermates

13th of March 2024 We uploaded two video clips of our Koko-Lucky-pupppies facebook and instagram, before the puppies will be picked up this weekend.

1st of March 2024 We just updated the Gina-Grizzly-progeny page

23rd of February 2024 We just updated our upcoming litter page with the announcement of our upcoming spring litter in March 2024.

3rd of February 2024 We just uploaded our "Event page for 2024". Our annual hike will be held in the hills of Rheinland-Pfalz. Beautiful country!

28th of January 2024 We do have the date for our annual hike 2024 now and we also received new pictures of the two male puppies out of Gina and Lucky, which show them in their new homes. Heros we went and visited the other day with Mom Gina. We hope, that one of these days he will be able to keep Gina`s bloodline going, just like Champ does at the moment

8th of January 2024 Today we updated a few pictures of Barretts, please view the following pages: progeny of Yanka and Buddy, and also d-litter, progeny of Orca and Tyson

4th of January 2024, We updated the page for our Gina-Lucky-family

Our newcomer dam "Koko von Asgard"