
C-Wurf "Team Barrett"

Gina vom Team Barret

born: 12.08.2015 - IPO1

Körklasse 1, HD-normal, ED-normal

show title V

Sire: Buddy vom Kuckucksland, born 17th of May 2007, SchH 3, AD, KKL1, HD-fast normal, ED-normal

Show title: V

View more pictures on our Buddy-page



Last update on 4th of December 2018

Champ, 13 weeks old

For the first time Champ meets a dog, which does not look like a GSD. As we can see on that one picture, he is a little confused. He focused on him for a few minutes before he started to play with him. It was very funny. He does favour his Dad "Buddy" very much. Just like him "he has his own head" and he does need a strong leader. We realize this fact at this young age already

November 13th, 2018

Champ 10 weeks old

Champ is doing great. He is a very lovable boy and he loves to be around humans. When he wants to be held and cuddled, he will come to us, when we like to cuddle him and he does not like it, then he takes off. We believe, that he does favor his Dad very much

October 14th, 2018

Champ six weeks old

It is hard to believe, that between the pictures below and the pictures above are just about 10 days. It shows us again, that one week means a lot more for a puppy than it does for us humans. Champ is doing very well. With each day going by he becomes more active and alive

October 7th 2018

Champ almost five weeks old

Mama Gina is such a good Mom. She is guiding her little man

during his first visit in the courtyard. He still looks a little lost, but we know, that this will change within a few days

We believe, that he does have a character like his Dad. He is very lovable, but only when he wants to be

Just a few days after we took these pictures, he had become more open and started to play and wait for us. And when Hundemama picks him up, he does give kisses now