

Mina vom Team Barrett

WT: born 7th of August 2020, IGP1, KKl1

show title: SG

HD-normal, ED-normal


Champ vom Team Barrett

born: 28th of August 2018 - SchH 1, - KKL 1,

show title: V

HD-fast normal, ED-normal



Xamor, Xantos, Xaver, Xenocs, Xito, Xana, Xanty, Xaya

Last update on 7th of May 2024

Xamor grew up into a very masculine youngster

His brother Xantos is also doing very well. He is a very smart boy

Xito just loves water and snow

The girl Xana is such a great family dog. She also developed into a wonderful young female with lots of expression. Soon another Barrett will join their family

Not one day Xanty`s family would want to be without her

August 24th 2023

Here we see the boy Xamor

and Xantos

Xenocs is going great. He is spoiled by his family

Xito is on vacation right now

Xaya is interested in everything, very smart girl

Xana is exactly the type of dog this family had been waiting for. She will receive special training for helping children with a handicap

May 16th 2023

The above pictures show Xamor together with his new friend in his new home

It is difficult to make pictures of Xantos, because he does not want to stay still. Unless he is playing in the yard, then it is easier to take pictures of him

The first picture of Xenocs after his arrival at his new home

Xito is an active puppy. He loves to play in his water bowl and also loves to sleep besides it

Xana brings lots of joy to her new family, especially the children

The above pictures show our cute little girl. She is so smart. When you look at her impression you see how smart she is. On the last picture it shows with her ears up

We are pleased with the development of our first Mina-Champ-puppies so far!

12th of April 2023

Today was a special day for new families and puppies! Pick-up day!

Xaver with his new owner

Xenocs with his new family

Xamor`s new home is in the Rocky Mountains

Xantos new home is not far away from Boston

Xito with his new owner

Xana with her new family

This Lady had been waiting patiently for little "big" Xanty

Here we see Xaya after her long journey to Canada. She is doing great; view the above pictures

April 2nd, 2023

This will be our last update of this litter. The next update of this page, will show the puppies with their new owners

Xamor is a very bright and lively puppy, he gave "five" the other day

Xantos has a nice temperament, but he can get pretty stubborn at times

Xaver does not start any trouble, he just turns the other way, when the brothers and sisters get too rough with him

Xenocs is easy going, but does not tolerate anybody getting too rough with him

Xito loves to play tug and war

Xana loves to cuddle. She is easy going

Xanty is active and outgoing

Xaya is an extremely smart and outgoing puppy. We believe, that it will be a pleasure to teach her things. She learns very fast, but is a little bit on the wild side. We believe that Xaya has a lot in common with her brother Xamor

Last update on March 26th, 2023

The time had come to pick out each puppy today

Unfortunately the weather was not so nice, so we were not able to let them out in the garden, but yet they enjoyed the time in our court yard. They became really active over the past few days, which was good, so "Hundemama" had a chance to watch them and see how they interacted with each other.

We must say, that these puppies are very lively puppies, especially the above female, which already caries sticks around. She is just a smart little girl with such a cute face

We also have one very dark puppy, which can be viewed on our last picture to the right.

When we will make our next update we will introduce all puppies by their names

If the weather will be better this week, we will try to make a video clip of all puppies and post them on facebook and instagram.

Mom Mina and Dad Champ should be very proud of their offspring; we for sure like what we see and experience with them

19th of March 2023

As each day goes by our puppies are getting more active, but also getting tired very quickly. This will change in the next week

We made a few snapshots with our other animals today. Here we see our youngest Barrett together with the puppies and the Pony, which is company for our "horse patient " for the next few months

Sometimes it is so funny to watch them. It seems like the Pony is teasing this little fellow. Our young female Koko just loves to mess with the Pony

14th of March 2023

First play minutes in the garden

It's always a wonder how puppies develop in just nine days

The whelping box in the house has now become too small. The time has come to offer the puppies a new area with more space. If the weather permits in the coming days, they can also go out into the fresh air every day, which is very important for their development

5th of March 2023

Our little puppies have been fed milk by "Hundemama" for two days now. The little one in the picture still has a very white mustache. Due to the additional feeding, "Dog Mom" has now become the second mom for the little ones. As you can see on the last two pictures, they would like to climb out of the box when they smell "Dog Mom". We can tell how good the sense of smell is already at three weeks of age

February 26th 2023

Todays pictures were taken while Mom "Mina" had been outside to get some fresh air. We have noticed that their hair has been growing quite a bit over the past few days

This page has been opened on 20th of February 2023

Proud Mom Mina with her first puppies

All eight puppies are waiting for their Mom to come back

After Mina returns from outside we only give her four puppies at first, then we let them drink for about 5 to 8 minutes. Then we let all puppies drink together

This procedure is easier for Mom Mina, but a little more time consuming for "Hundemama". She does not mind. Most important is the fact, that it is easier on Mom Mina and her tummy. If not she will be scratched up while the puppies are struggling to get milk. This does happen with a big litter. It also is good for the puppy`s development. They all grow up pretty much the same size and no puppy is left behind

On some pictures above we can see, that some of the puppies are tired, so the others can drink in peace.

"Hundemama" has been breeding for over 27 years. She learned this procedure during these years, what is best for the Dog MOM and also for the PUPPIES

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